If you’re looking for a longer lasting solution to sparse, patchy or over-plucked brows, our microblading treatment is great option. A form of semi-permanent makeup, the technique uses a pen-like device to draw on delicate, detailed strokes of pigment that mimic the look of real hairs. The handheld tool not only means ultra-fine, realistic hairs can be built up with ease but that our expert therapists can create completely bespoke brows according to your own facial architecture. Although you may experience mild discomfort during the treatment itself, the natural-looking finish is nothing short of brow-WOW.
The procedure is created in 3 stages:
Step 1. The Consultation – 30 minutes, £50 (non-refundable deposit)
Step 2. The Treatment – 2 hours, £450
Step 3. The Top Up – 2 hours
We also offer a Microblading Refresh treatment in 2 stages for annual maintenance:
Step 4. Annual Consultation – 30 mins, £50 (non-refundable deposit)
Step 5. Refresh Treatment – 2 hours, £200
Microblading is exclusively available in our Ledbury Road boutique.